Friday, November 27, 2020

Dead end


So, a friend said that one of those damaged mold attempts one looked like an old tomb or sarcophagus.  So I thought maybe an objective for my Dwarf army.  If I ever get to play with them.  So I thought this would be a good time to try out a Greenstuff World rolling pin. It was a so so result but learning experience. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Dropship In Bound!


After seeing everyone else's battletech parcels show up my first wave has finally arrived.  So I have to get organised.  I need to get out my old miniatures and a small treasure trove of mechs a friend sent me and decide how to paint them.

Below is the first attempt on the biscuit mold.  I made a mistake at the start but got one good one out of the 3. Initially I mixed the plaster in the wrong order and it set far to quickly, the second one the mold buckled and I didn't notice but the 3rd was fine.

The two damages one's can be damaged or destroyed buildings and the third can be a warehouse or something along those lines.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Tasty Terrain

I saw this biscuit mold online and I instantly saw Industrial buildings for Battletech. But seeing the size I will use them in some sci-fi skirmish games as well.  I cant wait to see how the come out. 

A friend suggested every time you capture and objective/building we get a cookie! But the only thing is that my wife saw it and said they would be great looking ice-block (Due to summer starting shortly)  So I may have lost it already.

The colourful buildings are some 3D printed. They need a little sanding. And I got my hands on Monsterpocalypse Powerplant.  I had seen these and wondered how they would scale for Battletech, its a little smallish but its ok.

The Black foam is a Tau Powerplant from Micro Art Studio. Im not sure how I will proceed to paint this due to being foam but It was on Sale and will look good on a table.

*the Russian Infantry man is for scale. 28mm..........

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My terrain is slowly expanding


I found the trees very easy to damage due to handling with the flocking falling off.  I tried a Mix of Water and PVA to try and make the bond stronger and it seems to have worked ok. We will see.

Just added some Crates and shell craters to the small but growing collection of terrain. 

Some more Russians WIP

Some Combat Engineers and a Commander, close to finished but some touch ups and then to finish all the bases.