I bought a mat online from one of those market websites. It was 1m x 1m for about $8au +postage. I am pretty happy with it but word of warning. (You pay for what you get) I wouldn't open it inside the house, there are a lot of loose fibers (I did this)...
I took it out side and shook it lightly then gave it a light vacuum with a dust buster with a brush head.

Then I sprayed the mat liberally with a water/PVC glue mix. 4 or 5 times over 2 hours. I used the whole bottle almost. It flattered out nicely.
Today I wanted to try some of the terrain I've been making for bolt action to see what it looks like.
I am pretty happy.
But it shows that I need to make some roads.
Some fantasy minis for the test.
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