Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Coming soon....hopefully

The reason for doing this is that I have recently moved from an apartment to a house which has allowed me to have my own gaming room where I don't have to pack up a project I'm working on every time as I did in the apartment. My wife has been understanding but there are limits....

So I am trying to organise some small bite size projects to get me back into the swing of things. I have plenty of half painted miniatures hanging around, terrain to construct and some graphic work as well.

I really need to get my Human Bloodbowl team finished for MBBL. We are 2 games into the season and only got the base colours done....

I went mad on 28mm WW2 figures that are there as well which I am dying to use.... The list is quite extensive which I will work out later.

I will hopefully start to put some images up when I have something decent to show. (Well decent maybe a to strong a word...)

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